The second month of the year looks a lot better than the
first for both my Big Year 2020
and Photographic
big Year challenges. In the case of
my Big Year, I added 10 species to finish the month at 71 bird species. The birds added were:
- Caribbean
Martin (Progne dominicensis)
- Semipalmated Sandpiper (Calidris
- Red-billed Tropicbird (Phaethon
- Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis
- Northern Waterthrush (Parkesia
- Southern Lapwing (Vanellus chilensis)
- Western Sandpiper (Calidris mauri)
- Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon)
- Great Blue Heron (Ardea Herodias)
- Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus
For the Photographic Big Year challenge, I added 7 images to
close the month off with 9 images. The month of March is normally a quiet birding
month so I am not expecting any big jumps in the Big Year 2020 tally. What that does though, is afforded me time to
concentrate on gaining quality images for the Photographic Big Year list. Let's
see how that goes.
February Images
Ruddy Turnstone |
Green-throated Carib |
Royal Tern |
American Coot |
Black-whiskered Vireo |
Snowy Egret |
Little Blue Heron |