Wednesday, February 19, 2025

My 2025 Checklist

With several local birders embarking on a big year, I considered joining in and even started. However, my first chase to register a yearbird reminded me why I decided not to do another one after 2013—birding becomes more about ticking boxes than truly enjoying the birds. So, no big year for me, but I will support those who are participating.  This year, I want to focus more on my photography. Although I have said this at the start of the past two to three years, I really mean it this year.
Additionally, I hope to continue sharing my knowledge with others and to be a mentor for the new birders and guides trained by Birds Caribbean last year.  While no overseas trips are planned at the moment (though anything is possible!), I'm excited to see what the year brings. 

My goal for 2025 is simple: 
  • Prioritize photography: Capture stunning images of the birds I encounter. keep an eye on this IG space
  • Expand my life list: Add at least 3 new species to my list.
  • Share my passion: Continue to share my knowledge and experience with fellow birders.
  • Embrace the journey: Focus on enjoying the process of birding and appreciating each encounter.
  • I hope you continue to follow this blog and its sister blog, The Birds of Barbados. Here's to a wonderful and bird-filled 2025 for all of us!
This page will be updated weekly or as needed.

67.  White-crowned Pigeon

Key: Rare birdsBarbados Purple lifer; W.I Lifers; World Lifer 

70.  American Wigeon - Mareca americana  
69.  Yellow-crowned Night-Heron - Nyctanassa violacea

68.  Prothonotary Warbler - Protonotaria citrea
67.  White-crowned Pigeon - Patagioenas leucocephala
66.  Great Blue Heron - Ardea herodias 
65.  Black-crowned Night-Heron - Nycticorax nycticorax 
64.  Red-billed Tropicbird - Phaethon aethereus
63.  Masked Duck - Nomonyx dominicus 
62.  Gadwall - Mareca strepera 
61.  Glossy Ibis - Plegadis falcinellus
60.  Green-winged Teal - Anas crecca 
59.  Northern Pintail - Anas acuta 
58.  Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica 
57.  Short-billed Dowitcher - Limnodromus griseus
56.  Northern Waterthrush - Parkesia noveboracensis
55.  Orange-winged Parrot - Amazona amazonica
54.  Little Blue Heron - Egretta caerulea
53.  Purple Gallinule - Porphyrio martinica
52.  Eared Dove - Zenaida auriculata
51.  Ring-necked Duck - Aythya collaris
50.  Yellow Warbler - Setophaga petechia
49.  Shiny Cowbird - Molothrus bonariensis
48.  Rose-ringed Parakeet - Psittacula krameri
47.  Black-whiskered Vireo - Vireo altiloquus
46.  Caribbean Elaenia - Elaenia martinica
45.  Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus
44.  Osprey - Pandion haliaetus
43.  Lesser Yellowlegs - Tringa flavipes

42.  Solitary Sandpiper - Tringa solitaria
41.  Wilson's Snipe - Gallinago delicata
40.  Magnificent Frigatebird - Fregata magnificens
39.  Least Sandpiper - Calidris minutilla
38.  Grassland Yellow-Finch - Sicalis luteola
37.  Little Egret - Egretta garzetta
36.  Pied-billed Grebe - Podilymbus podiceps
35.  Common Ground Dove - Columbina passerina
34.  Caribbean Martin - Progne dominicensis

33.  Semipalmated Sandpiper - Calidris pusilla

32.  Black-bellied Plover - Pluvialis squatarola
31.  Rock Pigeon - Columba livia
30.  Pacific Golden-Plover - Pluvialis fulva
29.  Gray Kingbird - Tyrannus dominicensis
28.  Belted Kingfisher - Megaceryle alcyon
27.  Great Egret - Ardea alba
26.  Green Heron - Butorides virescens
25.  Snowy Egret - Egretta thula
24.  Tricolored Heron - Egretta tricolor
23.  Greater Yellowlegs - Tringa melanoleuca
22.  Spotted Sandpiper - Actitis macularius
21.  Semipalmated Plover - Charadrius semipalmatus
20.  American Coot - Fulica americana
19.  Sora- Porzana carolina 
18.  Lesser Scaup - Aythya affinis
17.  Blue-winged Teal - Spatula discors
16.  Black-bellied Whistling-Duck - Dendrocygna autumnalis
15.  Sanderling - Calidris alba
14.  Western Cattle Egret - Bubulcus ibis
13.  Royal Tern - Thalasseus Maximus
12.  Black-headed Gull - Chroicocephalus ridibundus
11.  Black-faced Grassquit - Melanospiza bicolor
10.  Barbados Bullfinch - Loxigilla barbadensis
9.    Bananaquit - Coereba flaveola
8.    Carib Grackle - Quiscalus lugubris
7.    Common Gallinule - Gallinula galeata
6.    Antillean Crested Hummingbird - Orthorhyncus cristatus
5.    Green-throated Carib - Eulampis holosericeus
Zenaida Dove - Zenaida aurita
3.    Ruddy Turnstone - Arenaria interpres
2.    Eurasian Collared-Dove - Streptopelia decaocto
1.    Scaly-naped Pigeon - Patagioenas squamosa

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